捷運中山國小站 休息首選旅館1: 錦棧 旅 Gold Inn

2024年,夏天愉快! 您如想預約本服務或有任何問題,歡迎以Email聯繫,請寄至taipeimasseur@gmail.com,您也可於下方留言。請務必提供您的聯繫方式(電子郵件, 電話, Line ID或Skype ID),才能聯繫到您喔。請放心,您的留言及聯繫方式皆會予以保密。

Happy Summer 2024! If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via email to taipeimasseur@gmail.com.    You can also leave your contact method in the below form, and click the submit button. Please be sure to state your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon. Your submitted info will be kept confidential.

捷運中山國小站首選:錦棧 旅 Gold Inn
接著進行到正面胸口鬆緩油壓,在緩緩的Haya樂團,馬頭琴的低吟,女主唱黛青塔娜悠長婉轉的吟唱中,她可以好好進行胸口擴張深呼吸放鬆,並透過想像,讓場景引入到涼爽宜人的蒙古草原裏,隨著緩緩的涼風,感受身體也被一波波舒爽的草浪吹拂呵護著,讓身心也跟著進入到徹底放鬆的狀態,便可開始進行第二項Yoni Massage情慾油壓的體驗。

對於大多數女仕來說,身心能適時獲得歡愉紓解與享受,是很重要的, 因為平日裡工作、家庭、小孩、甚至夫妻間所累積的生活壓力,是會交互影響擴大,而比起男方,女方也會承受更大的壓力。如果能適時在切割開的喘息時光裡,只需專注在自身上,得到歡愉的慰撫與釋放,日子就會好過很多囉。

捷運中山國小站首選:錦棧 旅 Gold Inn台北市中山區林森北路413號https://www.myfunnow.com/branch/795
1. 近捷運中山國小站2號出口,左轉林森北路後步行5分鐘。2. 鄰近林森商圈,在林森北路和錦州街交會處,請搭乘頂好旁的大樓電梯,二樓便是櫃台。3. 現代工業風的新興潮流旅店。房間乾淨精簡風,隔音佳。4. 透過funnow預約,3小時630元起。捷運中山國小站 休息首選旅館。5. 不須透過櫃台通報,可直接到房間,隱私高。

Funnow App安裝步驟一:   您可下載安裝FunNow App,請點選官方Google Play Store,或官方Apple iTune Store下載App。
FunNow App安裝步驟二:   安裝過程中,請務必注意,在輸入邀請碼,請手動輸入H9TANDH

便會和您確認該時段可否,及推薦附近休息旅館, 更可代您透過Funnow App預約及購買好旅館喔,您只需準時抵達便可。

手機用戶請點選"功能表清單",有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.
請點擊  11 客戶心得  Client  Feedback 2019,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click   11 Client   Feedback 2019 for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni MassageWeb:    https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.comEmail:    taipeimasseur@gmail.com

預約聯繫,請發Email至taipeimasseur@gmail.com。請提供您的聯繫方式(電子郵件, 電話, Line ID或Skype ID),並留言。請放心,皆會予以保密。
您如提供Line ID,請注意,您的Line隱私設定,需勾選"允許利用ID加入好友"及"允許好友邀請",否則加不了您到Line喔。如一天內,您仍未收到Line朋友邀請,請您務必查看下列Line隱私設定。

您如在中國,使用163.com, qq.com等中國郵箱,則請發Email至taipeimasseur@163.com。您也可至本工作室新浪微博網站,以私信聊天,和我們聯繫。https://www.weibo.com/taipeimasseur

The service is provided only to   female clients,   or only to   the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.  (Alternatively, a 3-hour hotel rest can be arranged for you, and you only need to arrive on time.)
It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:
A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; orB. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)
If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  taipeimasseur@gmail.com.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon. All your submission will be kept confidential.
Please click   4  Tantra Massage   for more tantra massage info.Please click   5  Yoni Massage  for more yoni massage info.Please click  11 Client  Feedback 2019  for more client responses.

您可在下方表單,輸入您的聯繫方式,並點擊送出按鈕。您所提交的一切資訊,皆會是保密的。(Please leave your contact method in the below form, and click the submit button. All your submitted info will be kept confidential.)

Happy 2024. If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via email to taipeimasseur@gmail.com.    You can also leave your contact method in the below form, and click the submit button. Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

捷運中山國小站首選:錦棧 旅 Gold Inn




接著進行到正面胸口鬆緩油壓,在緩緩的Haya樂團,馬頭琴的低吟,女主唱黛青塔娜悠長婉轉的吟唱中,她可以好好進行胸口擴張深呼吸放鬆,並透過想像,讓場景引入到涼爽宜人的蒙古草原裏,隨著緩緩的涼風,感受身體也被一波波舒爽的草浪吹拂呵護著,讓身心也跟著進入到徹底放鬆的狀態,便可開始進行第二項Yoni Massage情慾油壓的體驗。



對於大多數女仕來說,身心能適時獲得歡愉紓解與享受,是很重要的, 因為平日裡工作、家庭、小孩、甚至夫妻間所累積的生活壓力,是會交互影響擴大,而比起男方,女方也會承受更大的壓力。如果能適時在切割開的喘息時光裡,只需專注在自身上,得到歡愉的慰撫與釋放,日子就會好過很多囉。


捷運中山國小站首選:錦棧 旅 Gold Inn

1. 近捷運中山國小站2號出口,左轉林森北路後步行5分鐘。
2. 鄰近林森商圈,在林森北路和錦州街交會處,請搭乘頂好旁的大樓電梯,二樓便是櫃台。
3. 現代工業風的新興潮流旅店。房間乾淨精簡風,隔音佳。
4. 透過funnow預約,3小時630元起。捷運中山國小站 休息首選旅館。
5. 不須透過櫃台通報,可直接到房間,隱私高。


Funnow App安裝步驟一:   您可下載安裝FunNow App,請點選官方Google Play Store,或官方Apple iTune Store下載App。

FunNow App安裝步驟二:   安裝過程中,請務必注意,在輸入邀請碼,請手動輸入H9TANDH




便會和您確認該時段可否,及推薦附近休息旅館, 更可代您透過Funnow App預約及購買好旅館喔,您只需準時抵達便可。

手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

請點擊  11 客戶心得  Client  Feedback 2019,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click   11 Client   Feedback 2019 for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:    https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:    taipeimasseur@gmail.com

預約聯繫,請發Email至taipeimasseur@gmail.com。請提供您的聯繫方式(電子郵件, 電話, Line ID或Skype ID),並留言。請放心,皆會予以保密。

您如提供Line ID,請注意,您的Line隱私設定,需勾選允許利用ID加入好友“及"允許好友邀請“,否則加不了您到Line喔。如一天內,您仍未收到Line朋友邀請,請您務必查看下列Line隱私設定

您如在中國,使用163.com, qq.com等中國郵箱,則請發Email至taipeimasseur@163.com

The service is provided only to   female clients,   or only to   the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.  (Alternatively, a 3-hour hotel rest can be arranged for you, and you only need to arrive on time.)

It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  taipeimasseur@gmail.com.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon. All your submission will be kept confidential.

Please click   4  Tantra Massage   for more tantra massage info.
Please click   5  Yoni Massage  for more yoni massage info.
Please click  11 Client  Feedback 2019  for more client responses.

(Please leave your contact method in the below form, and click the submit button. All your submitted info will be kept confidential.)

Model: Kathy; Film 2

Model: Kathy; 第二支油壓按摩短片 Film 2,忠孝復興站



謝謝Kathy小姐的信任及大方分享,她有著一雙比例超好的的長腿與身段,及細嫩白皙的皮膚,更是她自己美容護膚坊的最佳代言人,最美麗的風景。也謝謝 Tina小姐,拍得好好喔。

手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

*請點擊  1 按摩服務介紹 ,詳細說明油壓體療內容,供您參考。
Please click   1 Massage Service Intro   for info regardin our massage service in details.


熱浪翻湧下, 身體與慾望也會在炎夏盛開, 某程度上, 和我的瑜珈依樣喔, 和自己的身體連結, 瞭解, 碰撞, 去熟悉它, 和它好好相處, 鍛鍊, 並取悅它, 謝謝你探索整個骨盆周邊的肌肉







昨天回來後,很好睡,很喜歡你從背後抱著我開始探索我的感覺,也很喜歡你幫我按摩胸部時的感覺.   再加上,胸部與下面同時都滿足,現在還殘留一點那種滿滿的感覺,沒想到第一次那麼滿足…恩…不過…裡面的感覺真的蠻舒服的….按到後面…會想要你把我的手綁住….有點奇妙的想法

你真是個奇人,你讓我很自在,其實我還在思考自己到底為什麼會有這個轉變~可能是因為進入輕熟女,身體心裡有一塊癢癢的,直白地說,慾求不滿,30如狼 40如虎就是這樣來的,我就忽然間,不知道是什麼線斷了,變得這樣開放,下次可以來個把我按摩到放鬆睡著的~


裡面的感覺真的蠻舒服的. 是說…按到後面…會想要你把我的手綁住….有點奇妙的想法

今天也謝謝你. 今天當下真的有些累,不過真的有放鬆到.







請點擊   11  客戶按摩心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。
Please click  11  Client  Feedback  for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

Model: Kathy; 第二支油壓按摩短片 Film 2


有任何問題,請發Email至taipeimasseur@gmail.com您也可在下方欄位,輸入您的聯繫方式,(電子郵件, 電話, Line ID或Skype ID),並留言。請放心,皆會予以保密。

您如在中國,使用163.com, qq.com等中國郵箱,則請發Email至taipeimasseur@163.com


*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only. You must be at least 20 years old to browse this site or to contact us.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.  (Alternatively, a 3-hour hotel rest can be arranged for you, and you only need to arrive on time.)

It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

Please click   4  Tantra Massage   for more tantra massage info.
Please click   5  Yoni Massage  for more yoni massage info.
Please click  11 Client  Feedback  for more client responses.

台北市首選 昇美精旅 昇美精品旅店 捷運松江南京站 捷運中山站 Taipei Hotel Bchic

台北市區首選: 昇美精旅,昇美精品旅店   Hotel Bchic   捷運松江南京站 捷運中山站 南京東路 新生北路口 公車站: 南京吉林路口


這次我以茶花,及些許橙花作為混搭主調,氣味淡雅而帶著木質香,而基油則是冷壓初榨的橄欖油,滑潤好吸收. 這次油壓過程緩緩進行,且有探索出幾項她的喜好,感受到她的歡愉滿足與釋放,我也很開心。





台北市區首選 昇美精旅 昇美精品旅店 Hotel Bchic 捷運松江南京站 捷運中山站 南京東路 新生北路口

1. 台北市區首選,可透過FunNow,預約3小時休息,只要新台幣588元,CP值最高。
2. 一週七天,白天到晚上各時段,皆可透過FunNow預約,時段最多,預約最方便。
3. 房間新穎典雅,乾淨安靜,櫃台人員親切專業。
4. 交通便利,捷運松江南京站,8號出口,走路6分鐘。
5. 捷運中山站,2號出口,走路8分鐘。
6. 位於南京東路及新生北路交會處,公車站則是南京吉林路口,走路3分鐘。
7. 停車方便,旅館前面,便是新生北路高架橋下停車場。https://www.myfunnow.com/product/181



手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

請點擊  11 客戶心得  Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click   11 Client   Feedback for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:    https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:    taipeimasseur@gmail.com

The service is provided only to   female clients,   or only to   the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.  (Alternatively, a 3-hour hotel rest can be arranged for you, and you only need to arrive on time.)

It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

Please click   4  Tantra Massage   for more tantra massage info.
Please click   5  Yoni Massage  for more yoni massage info.
Please click  11 Client  Feedback  for more client responses.

Model: Kathy; Film 1

Model: Kathy; 第一支油壓按摩短片 Film 1,忠孝復興站



謝謝Kathy小姐的信任及大方分享,她有著一雙比例超好的的長腿與身段,及細嫩白皙的皮膚,更是她自己美容護膚坊的最佳代言人,最美麗的風景。也謝謝 Tina小姐,拍得好好喔。

手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

Client Feedback in English as follows:

Thank   you   so much.. I enjoyed it. Keep.   In touch..   Take care.

Hi, it was  an amazing experience.  I hope I will be able to book your time again soon. Thank you.

I am happy I finally made this appointment with you.   It allowed me to become aware of my sexuality and begin to give it some attention.   I cannot recall how many orgasms I had and they were pretty amazing.

It was same with what you have described in your website.   Starting from the pure full body massage for quite some time.   This made me feel very relaxed and my nervousness faded away soon.   There was no awkwardness at all, and I felt very comfortable and ready for it when the tantra yoni session began.

I thought it would start directly on my yoni…, but  you actually started it by soft touch and caress on my back and neck as the prelude.   Slowly and lovely.   It made me feel so good.   Now I realize that my back and neck can be the key for arousing my sexual feel and desires….

I am now in the Taoyuan Airport waiting for my flight back to Singapore.   I just want to say thank you.  They are the most relaxing and amazing experiences.   I like talking to you, too.   You are a very kind and caring person.

Going to really miss your massage.  Your technique is so great and it really turned me on. Now I can tell you this. I cried when I had my second orgasm in the end of the session. It was not because I felt pain or anything bad. It was a mixture of emotions.

Mostly I was touched by how you cared about my feelings and how you paid so much attention to me…Suddenly I felt being loved in a pure mode….That was why I started bursted into tears.   Thank you for embracing me at that moment.

After experiencing your massage it’s hard to go back.

We are very happy  to have met you too.   Now I know the reason for your good command in English as i was wondering before last night.   I am glad to have made the right choice this trip to arrange the massage session with you for my wife instead of a couple massage as i can see that she enjoyed it.

I will not hesitate to recommend your service to my friends back in Singapore.
Thank you for the very useful information on Beitou.   Yes we are planning to visit Beitou for the hotspring on Monday morning.   Hope to see you again.   Wishing you a Happy New Year!

I did enjoy the massage session  you have offered.   I may consider to book my next appointment next year.

I was keeping an open mind  to experience what you will be able to offer me based on your professional experience.    I had a great one.   I liked how you made me feel comfortable and willing to be open to me for anything even with my husband.
If there is anything else that i would like to try is maybe being tied or blind folded or in different various positions along the way instead of just laying on the bed….
I will be visiting Taipei again in the same hotel again and was hoping we could meet again.   That will be on the 21st and preferably early evening.

You have solutions for everything!   I will try all your tips  And enjoy my body more!  Have sweet dreams

My inner me is loving it   So amazing and your index finger can serve as the inner pusher.  Hard to describe but I can feel in between the tips of your two fingers, rubbing and grasping it from both inside and outside in different forces.
As if your two finger tips are almost touching each other… Ohhhh i have had an amazing orgasm

I really enjoyed the massage, relaxation and little conversation with you. Thank you for the organisation as well! It was perfect!    Thank you for everything!

I am at the airport waiting for the plane to Okinawa and learning Chinese.

Thanks to your massage, I slept deeply on the plane for 1h1/2:)

If I can come again to Taipei this year, it will certainly be on those dates…. I’ll try my best to come. Actually, as your massage helps me sleep and I need it (I always sleep too little), I’d like to have a massage at my hotel in the evening, like around 9 pm. Would that be possible for you, probably on….

I really like your massage. I can still feel it very much inside my body now.   If you go even deeper next time and if you give me multiple orgasms, I will feel it for a long time.

Your massage brought me joy and health.  I could sleep very well last night and I feel stronger to handle my problems at work next week in….

Therefore, I think I will book two sessions with you in…. I’d like you to go very deeply and thoroughly into my body. You already gave me some orgasms and I gave my body to you.

Hey 辛苦了,you’re very professional. I like the massage a lot,  just u know still a bit nervous for the very first time….Yup feel tired, will sleep soon. I’m leaving on Saturday morning, thinking maybe I can take another massage tomorrow

If I get 1 more will be tomorrow but still need to see how’s my schedule tmr. I’ll let u know tmr once I confirm.

We can try more intense next time.   Personally i don’t really like dirty talk for myself ,I only can do short response like yes or no, harder or softer but u can talk, I’d like some guiding from u. n I’d like more breast touching. FYI.

Yup the feeling is very good today.  like a bit rough in the end.  Well it’s quite huge.. even a bit bigger than my bf. He’s western. So nice, thank you so much for the professional service.

Thank you for giving me the orgasm and even more last night!   I will be really open to you! I will be so happy! Really looking forward to your massage sessions in my next trip to Taipei!

BTW, I cannot fnger myself very well. I never reached orgasms in the past. Can you teach me next time? What I do to myself is just stimulating my tits. It gives me a little pleasure but it is not the same as stimulating the yoni by you.

The session was brilliant.  Thanks for taking the time to explain the entire process with me ahead of the session. Made it a lot easier to relax.

I’m back to my routine at work so lost in that moment. I’ll contact you again in a while

請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。
Please click  11 Client  Feedback  for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

板橋區 帝苑時尚旅店 Royal Garden Hotel

板橋 帝苑時尚旅店 捷運新埔站  Royal Garden Hotel 文化路



接著進行到正面胸口鬆緩油壓時,在緩緩的海浪聲背景音樂下,伴隨著我的呼吸引導,她可以好好進行胸口擴張深呼吸放鬆,透過想像,讓場景引入到東南亞熱帶島嶼的度假Villa裏,進入到徹底放鬆的狀態,便可開始進行第二項Yoni Massage情慾油壓的體驗。



對於大多數女仕來說,身心能適時獲得歡愉紓解與享受,是很重要的, 因為平日裡工作、家庭、小孩、甚至夫妻間所累積的生活壓力,是會交互影響擴大,而比起男方,女方也會承受更大的壓力。如果能適時在切割開的喘息時光裡,只需專注在自身上,得到歡愉的慰撫與釋放,日子就會好過很多囉。


帝苑旅店位於板橋區文化路1段218號,離捷運新埔站二號出口很近,是捷運新埔站,平價商旅首選。獨棟商旅,交通便利,附近還有知名的板橋油庫口麵線,及黃家烤香腸。可透過FunNow App預約,2H590元,請加購1小時70元,便是3H660元。https://www.myfunnow.com/product/245



這次她是聰明消費者,事先就下載FunNow 我的都會享樂 APP,並透過該APP,事先購買好帝苑時尚旅店FunNow休息時段,該旅館便會保留該時段給她。3H660元,因為使用FunNow App結帳,有100元Fun幣可點選扣抵,她一共只需刷卡支付560元。


捷運府中站:府中棧精品商旅皇品時尚旅店馥俐商旅 I 館馥俐商旅 I I 館清翼居旅店一館
Q Motel


FunNow App安裝步驟一: 您可下載安裝FunNow App,請點選官方Google Play Store,或官方Apple iTune Store下載App。
FunNow App安裝步驟二: 安裝過程中,請務必注意,可手動輸入邀請碼H9TANDH,在您第一次購買後,您便會獲得100元Fun幣,可在您第二次購買任何服務(含旅館休息),結帳時,手動點選扣抵Fun幣,就會直接扣抵100元。

使用FunNow App,及取得扣抵Fun幣優惠,讓消費可扣除100元,請見:線上預約旅館休息 FunNow Hotel Reservation App

手機用戶請點選“功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click  11 Client  Feedback for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:  https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:  taipeimasseur@gmail.com

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

FunNow App 帝苑時尚旅店 Royal Garden Hotel 板橋區 Banciao



The masseur has been fully vaccinated with 4 shots of Moderna, with the 4th shot to be Moderna Bivalent Booster from BA.1 received in October 2022. Now you can contact us to make an appointment.

FunNow App,板橋 帝苑時尚旅店  捷運新埔站   Royal Garden Hotel 文化路


大多數商旅,不接受直接預約休息,只能依當場房況。這次客戶很聰明,事先就下載FunNow 我的都會享樂 APP,並透過該APP,事先購買好帝苑時尚旅店FunNow休息時段,該旅館便會保留該時段給她。3H660元,因為使用FunNow App結帳,有100元Fun幣可點選扣抵,她一共只需刷卡支付560元。

FunNow App安裝步驟一:   您可下載安裝FunNow App,請點選官方Google Play Store,或官方Apple iTune Store下載App。

FunNow App安裝步驟二:   安裝過程中,請務必注意,在輸入邀請碼,請手動輸入H9TANDH




1. 位於南京東路及建國北路交會處。離捷運松江南京站,5號出口,走路5分鐘。離捷運南京復興站,2號出口,走路7分鐘。
2. 獨棟商旅,房間寬敞舒適,有浴缸,乾淨質感佳,現代極簡風。
3. 休息3.5小時,只需630-830元, 時間較充裕, 高CP值,也有12小時休息,台北市區首選。
4. 不須透過櫃檯通報,可直接到房間,隱私高。

(a)您想預約哪幾天? 哪幾個時間?
(b)您有無開車或騎車? (有開車的話, 會推薦有停車場的旅館,可選擇的旅館也會增加)
(c)您方便的捷運站,或您大致在台北哪一區? (台北車站, 南京復興站….)

本工作室便會依據您想預約的時間及地點,推薦一些旅館供您選擇,並可用funnow app,代您預約購買好,屆時您只需準時抵達便可,簡單又便利

強力推薦:捷運中山國小站錦棧 旅 Gold Inn近捷運中山國小站2號出口,左轉林森北路後步行5分鐘。鄰近林森商圈,鄰近林森商圈,在林森北路和錦州街交會處,麥當勞樓上。現代工業風的新興潮流旅店。房間乾淨精簡風,隔音佳。可透過funnow預約休息,有3小時830元,3小時630元,及4小時880元。不須透過櫃檯通報,可直接到房間,隱私高。

錦棧 旅 Gold Inn的圖片:https://photos.app.goo.gl/yQRPj1U4hFiuFGNg8


下列為其他離捷運站近,可透過Funnow預約休息的高CP值旅館:(紅色為最推薦旅館。橘色為Gomaji電子休息券,會以簡訊寄發兌換碼,您只需至旅館櫃台出示兌換碼,便可check in,只要沒使用,皆可隨時線上申請全額退費。)

捷運台北車站:日光拾玖美亞商旅儷客旅店 台北車站館日野苑詩漫精品旅館北行旅新驛旅店 台北車站一館(懷寧街)新驛旅店 台北車站二館(長安西路)新驛旅店 台北車站三館(長安西路)摩莎曼拉精品旅館 台北車站館

捷運西門站(西門町):洛碁大飯店 中華館儷夏商旅 西門捷運館新驛旅店 西門捷運店町記憶旅店 3館天雲旅棧 台北西門館

捷運中正紀念堂站及古亭站:帥客旅店捷運北門站:城市商旅 北門館城市商旅 站前館城市商旅 南西館

松江南京站:洛碁大飯店 建北館洛碁大飯店 南京館洛碁大飯店 舞衣南京館台北旅坊柔美精品商旅伊倫商務旅館香城大飯店 豪悅店

捷運中山站:諾斯克大飯店柯達大飯店 台北一店千彩格精品旅店天雲旅棧 中山館天閣酒店 南西館捷運雙連站:優美飯店碩美精品旅店


捷運忠孝敦化站:艾爾行旅雲沐行旅洛碁大飯店 忠孝館富裕自由商旅 忠孝館泡泡飯店捷運忠孝復興站:艾爾行旅101 艾美琪旅店喬合大飯店捷運市政府站:莯旅捷運大安站:宏都金殿飯店

捷運南京復興站:北城大飯店天閣酒店 復興館捷運中山國中站:新驛旅店 復興北路店

捷運大安森林公園站:丹迪旅店 大安森林公園店麗都飯店

捷運南京三民站:蒲園商務飯店城市商旅 南東館雅柏精緻旅館台北東旅捷運松山站:香城大飯店 松山店

捷運劍南路站:薇閣 Wego 大直旗艦館台北沐蘭

捷運劍潭站:天閣酒店 士林館

捷運後山埤站:洛碁大飯店 松山館台鐵南港車站(捷運南港站):洛碁大飯店 南港館捷運昆陽站:探索Motel南港館

捷運府中站:府中棧精品商旅皇品時尚旅店馥俐商旅 I 館馥俐商旅 I I 館清翼居旅店一館




捷運亞東醫院站:挪威森林 板橋館捷運海山站:Q Motel捷運土城站:艾蔓精緻旅館 土城館


機場捷運新北產業園區站:美麗海精品汽車旅館歐遊國際連鎖精品旅館 新莊館

捷運七張站挪威森林 新店館捷運海山站挪威森林 板橋館中和遠東工業園區探索Motel中和館汐止芬多精加香汽車旅館慾望精緻汽車旅館



使用FunNow App,及取得扣抵Fun幣優惠,讓消費可扣除100元,請見:12 線上預約旅館休息 FunNow Hotel Reservation App

請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback 2019,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。
Please click  11 Client  Feedback 2019 for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

綠舞國際觀光飯店,綠舞日式主題園區,Dancewoods Hotels & Resorts,宜蘭,Yilan






手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

請點擊11 客戶心得 Client Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click 11 Client Feedback for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

綠舞國際觀光飯店,綠舞日式主題園區,Dancewoods Hotels & Resorts,宜蘭,Yilan






手機用戶請點選"功能表清單“,有更多文章及資訊供您參考喔。Phone Users: Please click “Menu" for more info and more articles.

請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click  11 Client  Feedback for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

中山區,方舟旅店,長安復興館,Ark Hotel

來到捷運南京復興站南邊,方舟旅店,長安復興館,為一位客戶,進行油押體療。這位客戶已找我進行油壓體療很多次了,她很喜歡這樣的舒壓方式,讓身體與精神都可鬆緩下來,整個過程進行得也很順利,每次除了她所喜歡的技法外,我也會添加些許不同的變化,讓她可享受到Yoni Massage的奇妙變化,感受歡愉的顫抖與強烈釋放,幫助她取回生活的平衡。

她曾告訴我,她只有一點會比較不自在,就是她在check in旅館的當下,會比較害羞。因此我便推薦方舟旅店長安復興館,且由我來和旅館預約,及check in及check out旅館。在我Check in後,便告知她房號,她則已於附近全家便利商店等,她便搭大樓電梯直接抵達房間所在樓層,及我所在的房間,她不需要到旅館櫃檯所在樓層,也不必經過櫃檯通報。服務完畢,她也是先行離開,直接搭電梯下去,私密度高。




對於大多數女仕來說,身心能適時獲得歡愉紓解與享受,是很重要的, 因為平日裡工作、家庭、小孩、甚至夫妻間所累積的生活壓力,是會交互影響擴大,而比起男方,女方也會承受更大的壓力。如果能適時在切割開的喘息時光裡,只需專注在自身上,得到歡愉的慰撫與釋放,日子就會好過很多囉。



捷運忠孝敦化站:艾爾行旅雲沐行旅洛碁大飯店 忠孝館富裕自由商旅 忠孝館泡泡飯店
捷運忠孝復興站:艾爾行旅101 艾美琪旅店喬合大飯店
捷運後山埤站:洛碁大飯店 松山館

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬;For lady and couple clients only;譚崔按摩歡愉體驗;Tantric Massage
Web: https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email: taipeimasseur@gmail.com

請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click 11 Client  Feedback for more client responses.

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.

新北市中和區,環球購物中心,Global Mall

新北市中和區,環球購物中心,Global Mall



請點擊 11 客戶心得 Client  Feedback,有更多客戶體驗心得供您參考喔。Please click Client  Feedback for more client responses.

台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬, 譚崔按摩, 情慾按摩, For lady and couple clients only, Tantric Yoni Massage
Web:   https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email:   taipeimasseur@gmail.com

*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.

The service is provided only to    female clients,  or only to  the females of couple clients.   It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours.    It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet.    There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:

A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by  Tantra Massage  and  Yoni Massage  for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage  will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)

If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via  Email.    Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.